Do chemicals penetrate human skin? 4th EXIMIOUS Symposium​

  • Hougaard, K. S. (Arrangør)
  • Peter H. M. Hoet (Arrangør)
  • Manosij Ghosh (Arrangør)
  • Wei Wei Lee (Arrangør)
  • Emily Rose Ciscato (Arrangør)
  • Francois Huaux (Arrangør)
  • Steven Ronsmans (Arrangør)
  • Vogel, U. B. (Arrangør)

Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangering af en begivenhedOrganisation af og deltagelse i konference


What happens when the human skin comes into contact with particular chemicals? To what extent do they get absorbed into the body, and what are the health effects?

Invited guest speakers will present their latest research on internal exposure and toxicity, skin exposure to metals, and the exposure of firefighters’ instructors.

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Periode26 jan. 2023
PlaceringLeuven, BelgienVis på kort
Grad af anerkendelseInternational