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Udsættelse for erhvervsstøj og andre stressfaktorer og risiko for sygdom i den danske arbejdsstyrke
Hougaard, K. S. & Sørensen, M.
01/01/2024 → 31/12/2026
Project: Research
Fornyet Fokus på Kemisk Arbejdsmiljø 2
Vogel, U. B. (Project Manager), Hougaard, K. S. (Project Manager), Madsen, A. M. (Project Manager), Andrup, L. (Project Manager), Hadrup, N. (Project Manager), Sørli, J. B. (Project Manager), Saber, A. T. (Project Manager), Nøjgaard, J. N. K. (Project Participant), Frederiksen, M. (Project Manager), Jensen, K. A. (Project Manager), Brostrøm, A. (Project Participant), Fonseca, A. S. (Project Manager), Danielsen, P. H. (Project Participant), Berthing, T. (Project Participant), Mortensen, A. (Project Participant), Terrida, E. B. (Project Participant), Guldbrandsen, M. (Project Participant), Kines, P. (Project Participant), Kofoed-Sørensen, V. (Project Participant), Jensen, S. P. (Project Participant), Kembouche, Y. (Project Participant), Polat, M. (Project Participant), Kofoed, V. C. (Project Participant), Sengupta, S. (Project Participant), Sundberg, M. (Project Participant), Rothmann, M. H. (Project Participant), Hammel, S. C. (Project Participant), Frederiksen, M. W. (Project Participant) & Gülen, H. (Project Participant)
30/03/2023 → 31/12/2026
Project: Research
Gravid på arbejde - har kvinders job og branche betydning for graviditet og fosterudvikling?
Hougaard, K. S. (Project Manager), Hannerz, H. (Project Participant) & Nielsen, H. B. (Project Participant)
01/12/2022 → 31/12/2025
Project: Research
FFIKA: Fornyet fokus på forskning i kemisk arbejdsmiljø
Vogel, U. B. (Project Manager), Jensen, K. A. (Project Participant), Jensen, A. C. Ø. (Project Participant), Berthing, T. (Project Participant), Andersen, M. H. G. (Project Participant), Hougaard, K. S. (Project Participant), Clausen, P. A. (Project Participant), Frederiksen, M. (Project Participant), Mortensen, A. (Project Participant), Saber, A. T. (Project Participant), Jacobsen, N. R. (Project Participant), Akhtar, Y. (Project Participant), Asp, A.-K. (Project Participant), Abildtrup, A. (Project Participant), Tegner, U. (Project Participant), Terrida, E. B. (Project Participant), Guldbrandsen, M. (Project Participant), Kembouche, Y. (Project Participant), Kofoed-Sørensen, V. (Project Participant), Nielsen, S. H. (Project Participant), Sahlgren, N. M. (Project Participant), Fonseca, A. S. (Project Participant), Danielsen, P. H. (Project Participant), Sørli, J. B. (Project Participant), Hadrup, N. (Project Participant), Ardenkjær-Skinnerup, J. (Project Participant), Nøjgaard, J. N. K. (Project Participant), Jørgensen, A. K. (Project Participant), Gutierrez, C. A. T. (Project Participant) & Brostrøm, A. (Project Participant)
01/01/2020 → 31/12/2026
Project: Research
Cabin air quality assessmen of long-term effects of contaminants
Hougaard, K. S. (Project Manager), Saber, A. T. (Project Participant), Gutierrez, C. A. T. (Project Participant), Gülen, H. (Project Participant), Frydendall, K. B. (Project Participant), Rothmann, M. H. (Project Participant), Gejsing, T. (Project Participant), Vogel, U. B. (Project Participant) & Hadrup, N. (Project Participant)
01/02/2022 → 24/11/2024
Project: Research
UPS: Udsættelse for PCB ved nedrivnings- og saneringsarbejde
Frederiksen, M. (Project Manager), Hammel, S. C. (Project Participant), Kofoed-Sørensen, V. (Project Participant), Tegner, U. (Project Participant), Hougaard, K. S. (Project Participant), Kines, P. (Project Participant) & Jensen, K. A. (Project Participant)
01/11/2020 → 31/12/2024
Project: Research
EXIMIOUS: Mapping exposures-induced immune effects: connecting the exposome and the immunome
Hougaard, K. S. (Project Manager), Sejbæk, C. S. (Project Participant), Madsen, A. M. (Project Participant), Vogel, U. B. (Project Participant), Rasmussen, P. U. (Project Participant) & Nielsen, H. B. (Project Participant)
16/12/2019 → 16/12/2024
Project: Research
FWC ECHA/2015/50 - Lot 1 - SR 16
Hougaard, K. S. (Project Manager)
01/08/2019 → 31/05/2020
Project: Research
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Udsættelse for skadelig kemi i nedriverbranchen
Frederiksen, M. (Project Manager), Jensen, K. A. (Project Participant), Schlünssen, V. (Project Participant), Kines, P. (Project Participant), Hougaard, K. S. (Project Participant), Clausen, P. A. (Project Participant), Hammel, S. C. (Project Participant), Tegner, U. (Project Participant), Kofoed-Sørensen, V. (Project Participant), Fonseca, A. S. (Project Participant) & Brostrøm, A. (Project Participant)
01/05/2019 → 31/12/2023
Project: Research
An alternative method for testing acute inhalation toxicity of pesticides
Sørli, J. B., Hougaard, K. S. & Da Silva, E.
01/04/2019 → 30/06/2022
Project: Research
Doc-X generation - en national fødselskohorte
Hougaard, K. S. (Project Manager), Rugulies, R. (Project Participant) & Madsen, I. E. H. (Project Manager)
01/01/2019 → 31/12/2021
Project: Research
Spray products, chemical substances and asthma in the cleaning industry
Frederiksen, M. (Project Manager), Clausen, P. A. (Project Participant), Sejbæk, C. S. (Project Participant), Sørli, J. B. (Project Participant), Hougaard, K. S. (Project Participant), Schlünssen, V. (Project Participant), Frydendall, K. B. (Project Participant), Wolkoff, P. (Project Participant), Kofoed-Sørensen, V. (Project Participant), Meyer, H. W. (Project Participant) & Meulengracht Flachs, E. (Project Participant)
01/02/2018 → 31/07/2021
Project: Research
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inflammatory stress transfer mother and featus
Hougaard, K. S. (Project Manager), Hansen, S. S. K. (Project Participant) & Sejbæk, C. S. (Project Participant)
01/01/2018 → 31/12/2022
Project: Research
NanoPack: NANOPACK - Experimental Production of nanobased antibacterial food packaging
Hougaard, K. S., Vogel, U. B. & Barfod, K. K.
01/01/2017 → 31/12/2019
Project: Research
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Danish NanoSafety Centre
Vogel, U. B. (Project Manager), Hougaard, K. S. (Project Participant), Frederiksen, M. (Project Participant), Clausen, P. A. (Project Participant), Saber, A. T. (Project Participant), Berthing, T. (Project Participant), Jacobsen, N. R. (Project Participant), Jensen, K. A. (Project Participant), Mortensen, A. (Project Participant), Poulsen, S. S. (Project Participant), Koivisto, A. J. (Project Participant), Jensen, A. C. Ø. (Project Participant), Brostrøm, A. (Project Participant), Skovmand, A. (Project Participant), Andersen, M. H. G. (Project Participant) & Koivisto, J. M. (Project Participant)
01/05/2016 → 31/08/2019
Project: Research
EN -Prænatal stress og allergi
Schlünssen, V. (Project Manager), Bay, H. (Project Participant), Madsen, K. P. (Project Participant), Hougaard, K. S. (Project Participant), Sejbæk, C. S. (Project Participant) & Pedersen, L. R. M. (Project Participant)
01/01/2016 → 31/12/2019
Project: Research
Pulmonary surfactant inhibition by impregnation products
Sørli, J. B., Abildtrup, A., Terrida, E. B., Hansen, J. S., Hougaard, K. S., Guldbrandsen, M., Nielsen, S. H., Larsen, S. T. & Huang, Y.
01/07/2015 → 30/06/2016
Project: Research
EN -Med mor på Job
Hougaard, K. S. (Project Manager), Larsen, A. D. (Project Participant), Sejbæk, C. S. (Project Participant), Bay, H. (Project Participant) & Hougaard, K. S. (Project Participant)
01/06/2015 → 31/12/2018
Project: Research
EN -Arvelige mutationer efter prænatal udsættelse for nanopartikler (Phd Anne Mette Zenner Boisen)
01/01/2009 → 31/12/2010
Project: Research
EN -Stress i fostertilstanden som risikofaktor for psykiske lidelser
01/10/2007 → 31/12/2010
Project: Research