6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Hougaard Karin Sørig with the persons below:
Vogel Ulla Birgitte
Person: Research - Professor
Frederiksen Marie
- Chemical Working Environment, Toxicology, Nanosafety, and Microbiology - SeniorResearcher
Person: Research - Senior Researcher
Sørli Jorid Birkelund
- Chemical Working Environment, Toxicology, Nanosafety, and Microbiology - SeniorResearcher
Person: Research - Senior Researcher
Jensen Keld Alstrup
Person: Forskning - Professor MSO
Kofoed-Sørensen Vivi
- Chemical Working Environment, Toxicology, Nanosafety, and Microbiology - LaboratoryTechnician
- The National Research Centre for the Working Environment - LaboratoryTechnician
Person: Research Related - Technician
Clausen Per Axel
- Chemical Working Environment, Toxicology, Nanosafety, and Microbiology - SeniorResearcher
- The National Research Centre for the Working Environment - SeniorResearcher
Person: Research - Senior Researcher