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GOV4NANO: Implementation of Risk Governance: meeting the needs of nanotechnology
Jensen, K. A. (Project Manager), Fonseca, A. S. (Project Participant), Clausen, P. A. (Project Participant), Sahlgren, N. M. (Project Participant), Carrasco, C. R. (Project Participant), Nøjgaard, J. N. K. (Project Participant), Hadrup, N. (Project Participant), Liguori, B. (Project Participant), Kembouche, Y. (Project Participant), Kofoed-Sørensen, V. (Project Participant) & Larsen, B. X. N. (Project Participant)
01/01/2019 → 28/02/2023
Project: Research
caLIBRAte: caLIBRAte - test, kalibrering og implementering af et nyt model-baseret system til risikostyring under innovation og produktion af tekniske nanomaterialer
Jensen, K. A. (Project Manager) & Moser-Johansen, M. G. (Project Manager)
01/05/2016 → 31/10/2019
Project: Research