Employee perception of managers’ attitudes towards older workers is associated with risk of loss of paid work before state pension age: prospective cohort study with register follow-up

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It is increasingly urgent to retain older workers in the workforce. In the present study, we analysed the prospective associations between employees’ perceptions of their managers’ attitudes towards older workers, and of having experienced age discrimination in the labour market with the risk of loss of paid work before the state pension age. Questionnaire data from 10,320 currently employed workers aged 50 + on perceptions of managers’ attitudes towards older workers and perceived age discrimination were collected at baseline in the SeniorWorkingLife study. Data on labour market affiliation were obtained from national registers at baseline and two-year follow-up. Results show that the perception of negative attitudes was prospectively associated with an increased risk of loss of paid work for three of the five negative attitudes “older workers create conflicts, their qualifications are outdated, and they cannot keep up with the pace and development”. Perception of positive attitudes was prospectively associated with a reduced risk of loss of paid work. The perception of age discrimination was prospectively associated with an increased risk of loss of paid work. The results strengthen existing evidence on associations between ageism and labour market attachment, by applying a longitudinal design and including actual change in labour market participation. However, some negative attitudes may be more detrimental to the older workers’ labour market participation. Employees’ positive perceptions of managers’ attitudes reduced the risk. Good relations between employees and managers appear to be important for retaining older workers in the labour market.
Original languageEnglish
JournalEuropean Journal of Ageing
Pages (from-to)1375–1383
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2022

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