
BACKGROUND: While positive short-term effects from corrective exercise on neck-shoulder pain (NSP) are evident, maintenance effects after cessation of the exercise remain unknown.

OBJECTIVE: The objective of the present study was to assess the lasting effects of corrective exercise in NSP and workability after a year of detraining.

METHODS: A cohort study with 1-year follow-up was carried out in two previous training groups (n = 24) using a self-reported paper-based questionnaire, which was completed three times (baseline, 8-week exercise, and 1-year detraining). The subjects (mean±SD age: 39.0±6.4, 38.1±8.0) responded to the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) for NSP as the primary outcome. A single validated item from the Workability Index determined workability as the secondary outcome. Between and within-group differences of the two groups were investigated using non-parametric tests, including 12 subjects in each group.

RESULTS: The results indicated that 8-week exercise improvements in NSP and mental and physical workability were largely maintained after one year of detraining. The lasting effects of NSP and physical and mental workability were statistically identified in 8-week and 1- year follow-ups. Nevertheless, it is noticeably warranted to adhere to the exercise program.

CONCLUSION: The current study indicates that a brief 8-week exercise period once per year is sufficient to reduce pain and improve workability among workers. This knowledge can make exercise interventions more feasible and cost-effective for companies aiming to improve employee health.

Original languageEnglish
Issue number4
Pages (from-to)1403-1411
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 9 Feb 2023


  • Journal Article


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