BIOBRAND 3 plus - Firefighting exposures and markers of cardiovascular, reproductive and cancer risk, a study under different training methods

Project: Research

Project Details


The methodology is based on a crossover design on firefighting training under different conditions, with characterization of exposure and assessment
of cardiovascular, cancer and reproductive effect biomarkers. The study participants are recruited amoung participants on rescue specialist educational courses that agree and sign an informed consent. The study is performed in
cooperation with the Danish Emergency Management Agency. The study has one baseline session, while conscripts are in a classroom, and three sessions of firefighting-related exercises under different fire conditions, used currently in firefighting training programs in Denmark. The participants perform equivalent work exercise using full protective gear and under different ambient conditions of firefighting training:
 Firefighting equivalent work, with exercises performed in a clean environment,
without fire (no ambient temperature, soot or smoke).
 Firefighting under wood fire, with exposure to ambient heat, smoke and soot.
 Firefighting under gas fire, with exposure to ambient heat, and expectably less
smoke and soot than with wood fire.

The order of the firefighting sessions is as randomized as possible, and according to a selection of three sequence order options. The training sessions have 1-3 weeks in between (accordingly with programmatic
educational course schemes).
Short titleBIOBRAND 3 plus
Effective start/end date08/08/202230/11/2024


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