Project Details


The methodoloy is based on a cross-sectional design with mapping of knowledge of current and past exposure to PFAS and sampling of blood among firefighters and military personnel with firefighting-related assignments. A reference group will consist of personnel without firefighting assignments selected with a focus on coincident age, sex and geographical residence, as possible. The study participants will be legally competent and will be required to agree to and sign an informed consent. The study will be performed involving an advisory group created for this project, which includes Beredskabsstyrelsen, Hovedstadens Beredskab, Trekant Brand, Falck Danmark A/S, Arbejdstilsynet, FOA, 3F Københavns Chauffører, Forsvarsministeriets Personalestyrelse, Centralforeningen for Stampersonel, Danske Beredskaber, Landsklubben for Deltidsansatte Brandfolk, Det Offentlige Beredskabs Landsforbund, Brandfolkenes Cancerforening, Brandfolkenes Organisation, besides the project working group. We will recruit the firefighters and military personnel based on mapped use of PFAS. Each enrolled participant will be sampled a single time, including collection of blood and answering a questionnaire.
Effective start/end date01/01/202231/12/2024


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